Why is cultural awareness important in language learning?

Understand the Culture In other words, to communicate in another language, the speaker must have a strong grasp of cultural norms and gestures to convey a message to someone fully. Likewise, cultural context allows for more efficient, natural communication between individuals.

What is cultural awareness language?

Cultural awareness is the understanding that our own culture differs from one individual and group to the next, and specifically from our target language. Being culturally aware enables us to communicate with people more effectively, beyond words and grammar, by understanding their culture.

What are some examples of cultural awareness?


  • Get training for global citizenship. …
  • Bridge the culture gap with good communication skills. …
  • Practice good manners. …
  • Celebrate traditional holidays, festivals, and food. …
  • Observe and listen to foreign customers and colleagues.

How does culture affect language learning?

How Does Culture Influence Language? Culture influences the language that is spoken within its constraints as a society, such as how certain words are used in support of the culture. … The culture develops its own language and has nuances accompanied by forms of group body language and voice inflections.

What is the role of culture in language?

Culture is defined as a “historically transmitted system of symbols, meanings, and norms.” Knowing a language automatically enables someone to identify with others who speak the same language. … Learning a language can be daunting, but it's an important way to connect with people from different cultures.

How do you build a positive culture of language through language learning and teaching?

Some ways to help build a positive classroom climate include:

  1. Value the language of the student. …
  2. Learn words in the student's language, label things in the classroom, correctly pronounce the student's name.
  3. Pair the student with a buddy, however do not expect the buddy to be the translator.
  4. Have several buddies.

Are cultural skills more important than language skills?

“Having an adaptability to different communication styles or socialisation norms are perhaps as much or more important.” While he accepts that “language has some importance”, he argues that “the ability to cope with, adjust to and persevere is the most important of the four CQ capabilities for expat success”.

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