What does the Social Democratic party stand for?

In social policy, the Social Democrats stand for civil and political rights in an open society.

Who were the German Social Democrats?

German Revolution (1918–1919) Known as the Council of People's Commissioners, it consisted of three Majority Social Democrats (Friedrich Ebert, Philipp Scheidemann, and Otto Landsberg) and three United Social Democrats (Emil Barth, Wilhelm Dittman, and Hugo Haase).

When was the Russian Social Democratic?

Russian Social Democratic Labour Party

Russian Social Democratic Labour Party Российская социал-демократическая рабочая партия
Central CommitteeVariable
Founded1 March 1898
Merger ofSBORK, Emancipation of Labour, Jewish Labour Bund and smaller Marxist organizations

Which thinker is advocate of social democracy?

In developing social democracy, Eduard Bernstein rejected the revolutionary and materialist foundations of orthodox Marxism. Rather than class conflict and socialist revolution, Bernstein's Marxist revisionism reflected that socialism could be achieved through cooperation between people regardless of class.

What happened to the SDP?

The Social Democratic Party (SDP) is a political party in the United Kingdom established in 1990. … That continuing party dissolved itself in 1990, but activists met and voted to continue the party in defiance of its National Executive, leading to the creation of the current Social Democratic Party.

Which countries are socialist countries?

Marxist–Leninist states

People's Republic of China1 October 1949Communist Party of China
Republic of Cuba1 January 1959Communist Party of Cuba
Lao People's Democratic Republic2 December 1975Lao People's Revolutionary Party
Socialist Republic of Vietnam2 September 1945Communist Party of Vietnam

Which party does Angela Merkel belong to?

Christian Democratic Union of Germany Angela Merkel/Parties A member of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU), she previously served as leader of the Opposition from 2002 to 2005 and as Leader of the CDU from 2000 to 2018. Merkel was the first female chancellor of Germany.

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